
The Mobile – Other Perspective. The new generation of phones

The Mobile – Other Perspective. The new generation of phones

Most people have excellent and perfect mobiles in this modern life. However, mobiles have various functions and also different prices too. Therefore, most parts of mobile phones keep improving over and over again. The mobile can carry out a lot of functions: camera, video camera, the internet, walk-man, clock, emails, voice record, 3D graphic games, and others.

The mobile phone is used very broadly today. Every year we have almost the new generation of phones.

It is an excellent thing for business people because of the internet and other mobile functions. Mobile phones are perfect for business deals and services. Business people can arrange their dealings anywhere and at any time. Also, a person can play the latest games on mobile, listen to the newest music, movies and much more.

The function “java” is viral in mobile today. You can send various styles of games from the internet using the mobile. The essential thing is that people can check email social networks too. Everybody can have his Email post-box and social account on the internet now. It is available on the latest mobile phones, which have the 4G or even faster 5G functions. The next generation of phones will have a 6G function.

Besides, these functions are great, because it has good speed. You can send and get information very quickly on the mobile. In our opinion, the best function is “USB” and sharing on the mobile nowadays. You can transfer data from one computer to the other using a USB wire or remote services. It’s a very convenient thing because a user can bring various information on this mobile at any time.

One more great thing is that the wireless walk-man is on the mobile.

There is a function which many people can use. You can transfer different songs from the computer through the “USB” or other functions to your mobile.

Memory cards are instantly popular to be used on the mobile nowadays. They consist of different capacities, from a few to 512GB and more. Indeed, the prices of cards are various too. The greater capacity is, the more expensive the mobile is.

To my mind, the mobiles should be switched off at schools during the lessons, because they disturb concentration. The mobiles should be switched off at churches because the ringing disturbs the calm. The same applies in every silence required corner or place.

The mobile is a great discovery, but people would have to know when it can be used and when it should be switched off.

Also, mobiles today have become more like your own electronic wallet. Therefore, it is necessary to look after your valuable and essential data every day. Thus, the implementation of strong passwords and antivirus solutions is a must.

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